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Slide 2: Each style has a suggestion for the maximum times it should be used per week to avoid having stale blog content. This rating indicates how likely a blog post of this style is likely to be linked to and commented on (1 is low, 5 is high). Represents how much effort and original thought is required to complete each style of blog post. Styles are rated Easy, Medium, or Hard. The Key

Slide 3: 5+ Insight Blogging 4 HARD Sharing insights, original ideas, commentary or trends on a particular topic. Many consider this the most • GapingVoid: How to be Creative difficult type of blogging to • The Future Web 2.0 Social Experience do. Resource Links: http://www.gapingvoid.com/Moveable_Type/archives/000932.html http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/future-social-web-experience.cfm Style 1 of 25

Slide 4: 1 Ambition Blogging 2 EASY Blogging about something with the aim of trying to attain it - usually by targeting the decision makers through the • One Red Paper Clip Blog blog post. • Snakes on a Plane Blog Resource Links: http://oneredpaperclip.blogspot.com/ http://www.snakesonablog.com/2006/01/12/snakes-on-a-blog/ Style 2 of 25

Slide 5: 1 Meme Blogging 5 MEDIUM Starting a thread of discussion by sharing your response to a query and then challenging other bloggers to • 5 Things You Don’t Know About Me answer it on their own blogs. • Carnival of Marketing Resource Links: http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/2006/12/fiveish_things_.html http://www.okdork.com/grand-opening-carnival-of-marketing/ Style 3 of 25

Slide 6: 3 Piggyback Blogging 3 MEDIUM Writing about a topic that is currently popular in the news media, on meme sites like Tailrank or on blog search • “Habitaquo” engines like Technorati to • “Twitter” capitalize on attention. Resource Links: http://www.technorati.com/search/habitaquo http://www.technorati.com/search/twitter Style 4 of 25

Slide 7: 5+ Life Blogging 2 EASY Also called reality blogging, this involves a blog post sharing the story of something that • Dooce: You Be Well For Me happened to you in your • Most posts on personal blogs personal life. Resource Links: http://www.dooce.com/archives/daily/11_19_2004.html Style 5 of 25

Slide 8: 5+ Brand Blogging 2 MEDIUM A post about a brand or product focused on sharing positive attributes or an “inside look” – posts in this • Most posts on Corporate Blogs category are (often) an • Moleskinerie Blog official or unofficial view based on a personal Resource Links: association with a brand. http://www.moleskinerie.com Style 6 of 25

Slide 9: 1 Detractor Blogging 3 MEDIUM Share a passionate hatred for a product or brand, get revenge or redemption by recounting a negative experience or tell a • Dell Hell and Jeff Jarvis story that casts a person or • Things I Hate About Panera thing in a negative light. Resource Links: http://www.buzzmachine.com/archives/cat_dell.html http://rocketking.blogspot.com/2006/12/things-i-hate-about-panera.html Style 7 of 25

Slide 10: 5+ Announcement Blogging 5 HARD Break news about an announcement or news that was not previously available elsewhere. For maximum • Dave Sifry’s State of the Blogosphere effect, being the first to break • Om Malik Leaving Business 2.0 the news matters most. Resource Links: http://www.sifry.com/stateoftheliveweb/ http://valleywag.com/tech/om-malik/scoop-blogger-om-malik-quits-business-20-and-takes-funding-180205.php Style 8 of 25

Slide 11: 2 Link Blogging 4 MEDIUM Collecting a series of links to websites, blogs or other online content to create a list of resources with links in a • Micropersuasion del.icio.us Links single blog post. • List of White Label Social Networking Sites Resource Links: http://www.micropersuasion.com/2007/04/links_for_20070_8.html http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2007/02/12/list-of-white-label-social-networking-platforms/ Style 9 of 25

Slide 12: 5+ Video Blogging 3 HARD Creating original video and putting online in a blog post or embedding a video from YouTube or another video • Make Magazine Blog sharing site into a post and • Chalkvertising with Julian Beever commenting on it. Ratings are based on creating original video for blog posts. Resource Links: http://makezine.com/blog/ http://rohitbhargava.typepad.com/weblog/2007/01/chalkvertising_.html Style 10 of 25

Slide 13: 5+ Photo Blogging 2 MEDIUM Making the main content of your blog post a photograph or series of photographs with or without some kind of • Thomas Hawk Digital Connection captions to tell the story. • Amateur Gourmet Restaurant Review Resource Links: http://www.thomashawk.com http://www.amateurgourmet.com/the_amateur_gourmet/2006/11/chutzpah_truffl.html Style 11 of 25

Slide 14: 5+ Review Blogging 3 EASY Offer your expertise or personal opinion to review a product or service and share an honest assessment. This type of • Robin Good Reviews Yahoo Pipes blogging can be solicited or • Manolo’s Shoe Blog done independently. Resource Links: http://www.masternewmedia.org/news/2007/02/09/beyond_newsmastering_yahoo_pipes_is.htm http://shoeblogs.com/wordpress/2007/04/04/giuseppe-zanotti-at-the-bluefly/ Style 12 of 25

Slide 15: 5+ Evangelist Blogging 3 MEDIUM Passionate blog post sharing an affinity and support for a social cause, organization, product or individual that you • The Cancer Mosaic believe in. These posts are • Google: Celebrating Earth Day meant to inspire others to believe in the same thing. Resource Links: http://brand.blogs.com/mantra/2006/03/cancer_mosaic.html http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2006/04/celebrating-earth-day.html Style 13 of 25

Slide 16: 5+ List Blogging 5 MEDIUM This is the highly popular format of the top ten (or any other number) lists about something. Blog posts in this • 101 Biggest Stories in Search type of format are frequently • Almost any post from Guy Kawasaki bookmarked and shared. Resource Links: http://www.10e20.com/2006/12/27/101-biggest-stories-in-search-2006/ http://blog.guykawasaki.com Style 14 of 25

Slide 17: 3 Survey Blogging 4 EASY Starting a dialogue by asking for readers opinions by offering a survey to answer or an open question for them to • Dilbert Blog: Romance Survey respond to through a comment • Are we bloggers or journalists? or blog post. Resource Links: http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2007/01/romance_survey.html http://mariosundar.wordpress.com/2007/04/08/are-we-bloggers-journalists/ Style 15 of 25

Slide 18: 2 Feature Blogging 4 MEDIUM Creating an ongoing feature category as in a magazine or article and then continually posting to it with new thoughts • John Bell: IdeaBar and ideas that fit together • Viral Garden: Top 25 Marketing Blogs under the same theme. Resource Links: http://johnbell.typepad.com/weblog/the_idea_bar/index.html http://moblogsmoproblems.blogspot.com/ Style 16 of 25

Slide 19: 2 Repost Blogging* 1 EASY Taking a post or article from another location and reposting a significant part of it as a blog post with limited original • Any post that republishes another commentary. to make a point with limited additional commentary * Spam blogs or “splogs” that republish posts for the sake of trying to get traffic to their Google keyword ads are not included in this style. Repost Blogging should only include content relevant to your blog and be used as a quick way to post when you don’t have time to do a “real” blog post. Style 17 of 25

Slide 20: 5+ Guest Blogging 3 MEDIUM Authoring a blog post intended to be published on a blog other than your own. Used to augment content on • Intel PC Design Challenge Blog a group blog or fill gaps • American Constitution Society for while a blogger cannot blog Law and Policy Guest Bloggers for any reason. Resource Links: http://www.intelchallenge.com/category/blog/ http://www.acsblog.org/cat-guest-bloggers.html Style 18 of 25

Slide 21: 5+ Interview Blogging 4 MEDIUM Conducting an interview and publishing either audio or video files, or creating a transcript of the interview to • Social Media Today Podcast write into a blog post. • 10 Questions from Guy Kawasaki Resource Links: http://www.smcpodcast.com/ http://blog.guykawasaki.com/ten_questions/index.html Style 19 of 25

Slide 22: 5+ Event Blogging 4 MEDIUM Sharing impressions, opinions and insights from an event such as a seminar, conference, concert or other gathering with • 10 Secrets from CommunityNext others who may or may not • 8 Startups at Under the Radar have been able to attend. Resource Links: http://rohitbhargava.typepad.com/weblog/2007/02/10_secrets_of_s.html http://mashable.com/2007/03/23/under-the-radar/ Style 20 of 25

Slide 23: 5+ Live Blogging 4 MEDIUM Blogging at a fast pace about something in real time as it happens. Often this type of post is uploaded through • Gawker Live Blogging Oprah mobile blogging or updated • Engadget at MacWorld 2007 through RSS streaming feeds. Resource Links: http://gawker.com/news/james-frey/james-frey-on-oprah-liveblogging-the-live-feed-150872.php http://www.engadget.com/2007/01/09/live-from-macworld-2007-steve-jobs-keynote/ Style 21 of 25

Slide 24: 5+ Bridge Blogging 3 MEDIUM Defined as “writing for an audience outside your everyday reality” – usually posts in this category offer • Most posts on Global Voices Online insight into something • Screenshots: Malaysian Politics happening in a particular part of the world that may not be Resource Links: known by an international http://www.globalvoicesonline.org http://www.jeffooi.com/ audience. Style 22 of 25

Slide 25: 1 Classified Blogging 2 EASY A post that identifies a need for a product or service that you are seeking or outlines something you have to trade • Linden Lab: Hiring Web Editor or sell to others. • Websites for Sale Blog Resource Links: http://blog.secondlife.com/2007/04/10/now-hiring-web-content-editor/ http://www.sitesalesblog.com/ Style 23 of 25

Slide 26: 5+ Response Blogging 3 HARD Directly responding to a challenge posted by someone or to a crisis situation in a post to outline your opinion and • David Neeleman’s Apology point of view. • Why SEO isn’t Bull Resource Links: http://www.jetblue.com/about/ourcompany/flightlog/archive_february2007.html http://searchengineland.com/070208-110711.php Style 24 of 25

Slide 27: 2 Contact Blogging 2 EASY Writing about a person or blog with the intent of making contact with that person. An alternative is posts sharing • Finding George Clooney the experience of meeting • Meet a 92 Year Old Blogger someone that is not an interview. Resource Links: http://clooneyproject.livejournal.com/ http://www.boingboing.net/2006/11/18/meet_a_92yearold_blo.html Style 25 of 25

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3 ความคิดเห็น

  • #1 pa_daeng ให้ความคิดเห็นเมื่อ 2 August 2008 เวลา 18:41

    สวัสดีค่ะ อาจารย์


  • #2 sasinand ให้ความคิดเห็นเมื่อ 3 August 2008 เวลา 15:37

    พี่คง ใช้แบบ  Piggyback Blogging / Life Blogging / Photo Blogging / Event Blogging / Contact Blogging  มากหน่อยนะคะ

  • #3 Logos ให้ความคิดเห็นเมื่อ 3 August 2008 เวลา 19:52
    ที่จริงไม่ต้องเป็นให้ครบทุกแบบก็ได้ครับ เป็นแบบที่เห็นว่าเหมาะ ปรับเปลี่ยนไปได้ตามจังหวะความพอใจ



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