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Oct 10

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เมื่อมาพิจารณาเพื่อนกับคนใช้หรือลูกน้อง จะเห็นได้ว่าอยู่ต่างข้อกัน และพระพุทธเจ้าตรัสให้คนใช้หรือลูกน้องสำคัญกว่าเพื่อน ยิ่งไปกว่านั้นเพื่อนยังเป็นภาคสมัครใจ มิใช่ภาคบังคับเหมือนแม่ พ่อ ลูก เมีย (ผัว) และคนใช้ ซึ่งเป็นคนภายในครอบครัว ดังนั้น ใครก็ตามที่เป็นคนมากน้ำใจ ชอบเลี้ยงเพื่อน ช่วยเหลือเพื่อน จนบางครั้งสิ่งที่ทำไปเพื่อเพื่อนเป็นสาเหตุให้ตนเองและครอบครัวเดือดร้อน แต่ตรงกันข้าม กลับไม่ค่อยใส่ใจหรือรับผิดชอบครอบครัวหรือคนของตนเอง ถือว่าเขาผู้นั้นประพฤติผิดหลักการจัดลำดับความสำคัญตามนัยนี้

“ใช้ป้องกันอันตรายที่จะบังเกิดขึ้นจาก ไฟ น้ำ พระราชา โจร และทายาทผู้ไม่เป็นที่รัก เป็นต้น” นี้คือประโยชน์ของเงินหรือโภคทรัพย์ข้อที่สาม ซึ่งข้อนี้มีคำว่า “เป็นต้น” เพิ่มเติมไว้ นั่นก็คือ เงินใช้ป้องกันอันตรายต่างๆ ได้ ดังที่ใครบางคนบอกว่า “เงินใช้แก้ปัญหาได้ดีที่สุด แม้จะแก้ไม่ได้ทุกอย่างก็ตาม” เราลองมาพิจารณาตัวอย่างที่พระพุทธเจ้าทรงระบุไว้
ตัวอย่างของอันตรายจากไฟก็เช่นไฟไหม้ ส่วนอันตรายจากน้ำก็เช่นน้ำท่วม คราวใดก็ตามถ้าเกิดไฟไหม้หรือน้ำท่วม คนที่มีเงินก็อาจแก้ปัญหาได้ไม่ยากนัก หรือแม้ไฟยังไม่ไหม้หรือน้ำยังไม่ท่วม แต่คนที่มีเงินมากก็อาจหาวิธีป้องกันได้ง่ายและรัดกุมยิ่งกว่าผู้ที่มีเงินน้อย ดังนั้น โภคทรัพย์หรือเงินจึงใช้ป้องกันอันตรายจากไฟและน้ำได้…
“อันตรายจากพระราชา” ข้อความนี้ ต้องจินตนาการย้อนไปถึงยุคสมัยโน้น พระราชาก็คือเจ้าเหนือชีวิต ผู้ปกครอง ซึ่งมิใช่ว่าจะเป็นคนดีประกอบด้วยคุณธรรมและมีเหตุผลทุกคนหรือตลอดเวลา ดังเช่นนิทานธรรมบทเรื่องหนึ่งเล่าว่า พระราชามีพระประสงค์จะพิสูจน์ว่าผัวเมียคู่หนึ่งเป็นคนมีโภคทรัพย์จริงหรือไม่ตามคำบอกเล่า จึงรับสั่งให้มีการจัดงานรื่นเริงขึ้นทุกหลังคาเรือน มิฉะนั้นจะถูกลงอาญา… นี้คือตัวอย่างแห่งความเดือดร้อนหรืออันตรายที่จะบังเกิดขึ้นได้จากพระราชาตามตำนาน
เมื่อพิจารณาสังคมปัจจุบัน คำว่าพระราชาตามตำนานก็คือผู้ปกครองหรือเจ้าหน้าที่บ้านเมือง เช่น กำนัน นายอำเภอ ตำรวจ ตลอดเจ้าหน้าที่ของรัฐทั่วไป ซึ่งก็เป็นไปตามทำนองเดียวกัน บางคนก็อาจไม่ประกอบด้วยคุณธรรม เมื่อเขาเหล่านั้นเกิดความไม่พอใจ ก็อาจกลั่นแกล้ง ใส่ร้าย เบียดเบียน หรือขูดรีดเอากับเราได้ตามแต่กรณีนั้นๆ… ทำนองนี้อาจสงเคราะห์เข้าในคำว่าอันตรายจากพระราชาในยุคสมัยปัจจุบัน ซึ่งเงินหรือโภคทรัพย์ก็อาจช่วยป้องกันและปัดเป่าอันตรายที่บังเกิดจากเจ้าหน้าที่บ้านเมืองผู้ไม่ประกอบด้วยธรรมหล่านี้ได้

“อันตรายจากโจร” ประเด็นนี้ชัดเจน เงินอาจช่วยป้องกันอันตรายจากโจรได้ ตั้งแต่ใช้เงินซื้อกุญแจ สร้างกำแพงและประตูสถานที่อาศัยให้มั่นคง ติดตั้งเครื่องกันขโมย จัดหาอาวุธไว้ประจำตัว ตลอดใช้เงินไถ่ถอนสิ่งที่ถูกลักขโมย หรือรักษาชีวิตเอาไว้ได้เมื่อให้เงินและทรัพย์สินแก่โจรไป เป็นต้น
ส่วนในกรณีว่ามีเงินและทรัพย์สินจำนวนมากจนเป็นสาเหตุให้โจรทำอันตรายนั้น แตกต่างไปจากประเด็นนี้ จะไม่อ้างถึง

ประเด็นสุดท้ายที่พระพุทธเจ้าทรงอ้างมาเป็นตัวอย่างคือ “ทายาทผู้ไม่เป็นที่รัก” ก็คือลูกๆ หลานๆ บางคนที่ทำตัวเหลวไหล เช่นบางคนติดยาเสพติดก็อาจมาขู่บังคับญาติผู้ใหญ่เพื่อจะเงินไปซื้อยา หรือบางคนประพฤติตัวเยี่ยงโจรชักชวนเพื่อนโจรด้วยกันมาลักขโมยของภายในบ้าน ถ้ามีเงินก็พออาจให้พวกเขาไปเพื่อป้องกันชีวิตตนเองและครอบครัวให้ปลอดภัยได้
นัยตรงข้าม ลูกๆ หลานๆ บางคนอาจทำตัวเหลวไหล เช่นไปขโมยสิ่งของผู้อื่น หรือไปเที่ยวทำร้ายร่างกายก่อการทะเลาะวิวาทกับผู้อื่น เป็นหน้าที่ของพ่อแม่หรือญาติผู้ใหญ่ต้องใช้เงินเพื่อช่วยเหลือปัดเป่าลูกหลานให้พ้นภัย และรักษาชื่อเสียงวงศ์ตระกูลไว้… แม้นัยนี้ก็สงเคราะห์เข้าในข้อว่าใช้โภคทรัพย์เพื่อป้องกันอันตรายจากทายาทผู้ไม่เป็นที่รักได้เช่นเดียวกัน
ในการดำเนินชีวิตนั้น สิ่งที่จัดว่าอันตรายมีมากมาย ซึ่งโภคทรัพย์หรือเงินอาจช่วยป้องกันได้ ตามที่พระพุทธเจ้าทรงยกมาเป็นตัวอย่างนั้น เพราะสังเกตได้ง่าย แต่อันตรายทั้งหลายบรรดามี มิใช่ว่ามีตลอดเวลา มิใช่ว่าเกิดขึ้นทุกอย่าง ดังนั้น จึงจัดความสำคัญเป็นลำดับที่สาม

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    too. {This sort of|This type of|Such|This
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    {Howdy|Hi there|Hey there|Hi|Hello|Hey}! Someone in my {Myspace|Facebook} group
    shared this {site|website} with us so I came to {give it a look|look it over|take a look|check it out}.
    I’m definitely {enjoying|loving} the information. I’m {book-marking|bookmarking} and will be tweeting this to my followers!
    {Terrific|Wonderful|Great|Fantastic|Outstanding|Exceptional|Superb|Excellent} blog and {wonderful|terrific|brilliant|amazing|great|excellent|fantastic|outstanding|superb} {style
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    {This sort of|This type of|Such|This kind of} clever work and
    {exposure|coverage|reporting}! Keep up the {superb|terrific|very good|great|good|awesome|fantastic|excellent|amazing|wonderful} works guys I’ve {incorporated|added|included} you guys
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    {Howdy|Hi there|Hey there|Hi|Hello|Hey} would you mind {stating|sharing} which blog platform you’re {working
    with|using}? I’m {looking|planning|going} to start
    my own blog {in the near future|soon} but I’m having a {tough|difficult|hard} time {making a decision|selecting|choosing|deciding} between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
    The reason I ask is because your {design and style|design|layout} seems different then most
    blogs and I’m looking for something {completely unique|unique}.
    P.S {My apologies|Apologies|Sorry} for {getting|being} off-topic but I had to ask!|
    {Howdy|Hi there|Hi|Hey there|Hello|Hey} would you mind letting me know which {webhost|hosting company|web host} you’re {utilizing|working
    with|using}? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 {completely different|different} {internet
    browsers|web browsers|browsers} and I must say this blog loads a lot {quicker|faster} then most.
    Can you {suggest|recommend} a good {internet hosting|web hosting|hosting} provider at
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    appreciate it!|
    {I love|I really like|I like|Everyone loves} it {when people|when individuals|when folks|whenever people} {come together|get together} and share
    {opinions|thoughts|views|ideas}. Great {blog|website|site}, {keep it up|continue the
    good work|stick with it}!|
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    {Howdy|Hi there|Hey there|Hello|Hey} just wanted to give you a quick heads up.
    The {text|words} in your {content|post|article} seem to be
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    I’m not sure if this is a {format|formatting} issue or something to do with {web browser|internet browser|browser} compatibility but I {thought|figured} I’d post to let you know.
    The {style and design|design and style|layout|design} look great though!
    Hope you get the {problem|issue} {solved|resolved|fixed} soon.
    {Kudos|Cheers|Many thanks|Thanks}|
    This is a topic {that is|that’s|which is} {close to|near to} my heart…
    {Cheers|Many thanks|Best wishes|Take care|Thank you}!
    {Where|Exactly where} are your contact details though?|
    It’s very {easy|simple|trouble-free|straightforward|effortless} to find out any {topic|matter} on {net|web} as compared to {books|textbooks}, as I found this
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    {Thanks a lot|Thanks|Many thanks} for sharing!|
    {I really|I truly|I seriously|I absolutely} love {your blog|your site|your website}..
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    to|would love to} {know|learn|find out} where you got this from or {what the|exactly what the|just what the} theme {is called|is named}.
    {Thanks|Many thanks|Thank you|Cheers|Appreciate it|Kudos}!|
    {Hi there|Hello there|Howdy}! This {post|article|blog post} {couldn’t|could not} be written {any better|much better}!
    {Reading through|Looking at|Going through|Looking through} this {post|article} reminds me of my
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    {I will|I’ll|I am going to|I most certainly will} {forward|send} {this
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    {Wow|Whoa|Incredible|Amazing}! This blog looks {exactly|just} like my old one!
    It’s on a {completely|entirely|totally} different {topic|subject} but it has pretty much the same {layout|page layout} and design. {Excellent|Wonderful|Great|Outstanding|Superb} choice of colors!|
    {There is|There’s} {definately|certainly} {a lot
    to|a great deal to} {know about|learn about|find out about} this
    {subject|topic|issue}. {I like|I love|I really like} {all the|all of the} points {you made|you’ve made|you have
    {You made|You’ve made|You have made} some {decent|good|really good} points there.
    I {looked|checked} {on the internet|on the web|on the
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    {Hi|Hello|Hi there|What’s up}, I {log on to|check|read} your {new stuff|blogs|blog} {regularly|like
    every week|daily|on a regular basis}. Your {story-telling|writing|humoristic} style is {awesome|witty}, keep {doing what you’re
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    {I wanted|I needed|I want to|I need to} to thank you for
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    {Hi|Hello|Hi there|What’s up}, just wanted to {mention|say|tell you},
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    {Hi there|Hello}, I enjoy reading {all of|through} your {article|post|article post}.
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    My {coder|programmer|developer} is trying to {persuade|convince} me to
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    {Any kind of|Any} help would be {really|greatly} appreciated!|
    {Hello|Hi|Hello there|Hi there|Howdy|Good day}! I could have sworn I’ve {been to|visited} {this blog|this web site|this website|this site|your blog}
    before but after {browsing through|going through|looking at} {some of the|a few of the|many of the} {posts|articles}
    I realized it’s new to me. {Anyways|Anyhow|Nonetheless|Regardless},
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    {Terrific|Great|Wonderful} {article|work}! {This is|That is} {the type of|the kind of} {information|info} {that are meant to|that are supposed to|that should} be shared {around the|across the} {web|internet|net}.
    {Disgrace|Shame} on {the {seek|search} engines|Google}
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    Come on over and {talk over with|discuss with|seek advice from|visit|consult with} my {site|web site|website} .
    {Thank you|Thanks} =)|
    Heya {i’m|i am} for the first time here. I {came across|found} this board
    and I find It {truly|really} useful & it helped me out {a lot|much}.

    I hope to give something back and {help|aid} others like you {helped|aided} me.|
    {Hi|Hello|Hi there|Hello there|Howdy|Greetings},
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    doubt that} {your site|your website|your web site|your blog} {might be|may be|could be|could possibly be} having {browser|internet browser|web browser} compatibility {issues|problems}.
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    at your} {website|web site|site|blog} in Safari, it looks fine {but when|however when|however,
    if|however, when} opening in {Internet Explorer|IE|I.E.}, {it has|it’s got}
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    a|provide you with a} quick heads up! {Other than that|Apart from that|Besides that|Aside from that},
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    to now}? I {amazed|surprised} with the {research|analysis} you made to {create|make} {this actual|this particular} {post|submit|publish|put up} {incredible|amazing|extraordinary}.
    {Great|Wonderful|Fantastic|Magnificent|Excellent} {task|process|activity|job}!|
    Heya {i’m|i am} for {the primary|the first} time here. I {came across|found} this
    board and I {in finding|find|to find} It {truly|really} {useful|helpful} & it helped me out
    {a lot|much}. {I am hoping|I hope|I’m hoping} {to give|to offer|to provide|to present} {something|one
    thing} {back|again} and {help|aid} others {like you|such as you} {helped|aided} me.|
    {Hello|Hi|Hello there|Hi there|Howdy|Good day|Hey there}!
    {I just|I simply} {would like to|want to|wish to} {give you a|offer you a} {huge|big} thumbs
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    Your {way|method|means|mode} of {describing|explaining|telling} {everything|all|the whole thing} in this {article|post|piece of writing|paragraph} is {really|actually|in fact|truly|genuinely} {nice|pleasant|good|fastidious}, {all|every one} {can|be able
    to|be capable of} {easily|without difficulty|effortlessly|simply} {understand|know|be aware of} it, Thanks a lot.|
    {Hi|Hello} there, {I found|I discovered} your {blog|website|web site|site}
    {by means of|via|by the use of|by way of} Google {at the same time as|whilst|even as|while} {searching for|looking for} a {similar|comparable|related} {topic|matter|subject}, your {site|web site|website} {got here|came} up, it {looks|appears|seems|seems to be|appears to be like}
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    {Hello|Hi} there, {simply|just} {turned into|became|was|become|changed into} {aware of|alert to} your {blog|weblog} {thru|through|via} Google, {and found|and located} that {it is|it’s} {really|truly} informative.
    {I’m|I am} {gonna|going to} {watch out|be careful} for
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    {A lot of|Lots of|Many|Numerous} {other folks|folks|other people|people} {will be|shall be|might be|will probably be|can be|will likely be} benefited {from your|out of
    your} writing. Cheers!|
    {I am|I’m} curious to find out what blog {system|platform} {you have been|you happen to be|you
    are|you’re} {working with|utilizing|using}? I’m {experiencing|having} some
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    {I am|I’m} {extremely|really} impressed with your writing
    skills {and also|as well as} with the layout on your {blog|weblog}.

    Is this a paid theme or did you {customize|modify} it yourself?
    {Either way|Anyway} keep up the {nice|excellent} quality writing, {it’s|it is} rare to see a {nice|great} blog like this one {these days|nowadays|today}.|
    {I am|I’m} {extremely|really} {inspired|impressed} {with
    your|together with your|along with your} writing {talents|skills|abilities} {and also|as
    {smartly|well|neatly} as} with the {layout|format|structure} {for your|on your|in your|to your} {blog|weblog}.
    {Is this|Is that this} a paid {subject|topic|subject matter|theme} or
    did you {customize|modify} it {yourself|your
    self}? {Either way|Anyway} {stay|keep} up the {nice|excellent} {quality|high quality} writing, {it’s|it is} {rare|uncommon} {to peer|to see|to look} a {nice|great} {blog|weblog}
    like this one {these days|nowadays|today}..|
    {Hi|Hello}, Neat post. {There is|There’s} {a problem|an issue} {with
    your|together with your|along with your} {site|web site|website} in {internet|web} explorer, {may|might|could|would} {check|test} this?
    IE {still|nonetheless} is the {marketplace|market} {leader|chief} and {a large|a good|a big|a huge} {part
    of|section of|component to|portion of|component of|element of} {other folks|folks|other people|people} will {leave out|omit|miss|pass over} your {great|wonderful|fantastic|magnificent|excellent} writing {due to|because of} this problem.|
    {I’m|I am} not sure where {you are|you’re} getting your {info|information}, but {good|great} topic.
    I needs to spend some time learning {more|much more} or understanding more.
    Thanks for {great|wonderful|fantastic|magnificent|excellent} {information|info}
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    Now that he is running for president, Rubio has mostly ditched the citizenship talk and proposed a new plan that would offer an alternative “non-immigrant, non-permanent work visa” to undocumented immigrants, according to his remarks in May at the National Review Institute Summit. Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, was among the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” who championed immigration reform in 2013. The proposed legislation laid out a plan to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

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    {I have|I’ve} been {surfing|browsing} {online|on-line} {more than|greater than} {three|3} hours
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    {In my opinion|Personally|In my view}, if all {webmasters|site
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    Ahaa, its {nice|pleasant|good|fastidious} {discussion|conversation|dialogue} {regarding|concerning|about|on the topic
    of} this {article|post|piece of writing|paragraph} {here|at this place} at this {blog|weblog|webpage|website|web site},
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    {This sort of|This type of|Such|This kind of} clever work and {exposure|coverage|reporting}!

    Keep up the {superb|terrific|very good|great|good|awesome|fantastic|excellent|amazing|wonderful}
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    {Howdy|Hi there|Hey there|Hi|Hello|Hey}! Someone in my {Myspace|Facebook} group shared this {site|website} with us so I came to {give
    it a look|look it over|take a look|check it out}. I’m definitely {enjoying|loving} the information. I’m {book-marking|bookmarking} and will be tweeting this to
    my followers! {Terrific|Wonderful|Great|Fantastic|Outstanding|Exceptional|Superb|Excellent} blog and {wonderful|terrific|brilliant|amazing|great|excellent|fantastic|outstanding|superb} {style and design|design and style|design}.|
    {I love|I really like|I enjoy|I like|Everyone loves} what you guys {are|are usually|tend to
    be} up too. {This sort of|This type of|Such|This kind of} clever work and {exposure|coverage|reporting}!

    Keep up the {superb|terrific|very good|great|good|awesome|fantastic|excellent|amazing|wonderful} works guys I’ve {incorporated|added|included} you guys to
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    {Howdy|Hi there|Hey there|Hi|Hello|Hey} would you mind {stating|sharing} which
    blog platform you’re {working with|using}? I’m {looking|planning|going} to start my own blog {in the near future|soon} but I’m having a {tough|difficult|hard} time {making a decision|selecting|choosing|deciding} between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
    The reason I ask is because your {design and style|design|layout} seems
    different then most blogs and I’m looking for
    something {completely unique|unique}. P.S {My apologies|Apologies|Sorry} for {getting|being} off-topic
    but I had to ask!|
    {Howdy|Hi there|Hi|Hey there|Hello|Hey} would you mind letting me know which {webhost|hosting company|web host} you’re {utilizing|working
    with|using}? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 {completely different|different} {internet browsers|web browsers|browsers} and I must say this blog loads a lot {quicker|faster} then most.

    Can you {suggest|recommend} a good {internet hosting|web hosting|hosting} provider at a {honest|reasonable|fair} price?
    {Thanks a lot|Kudos|Cheers|Thank you|Many thanks|Thanks},
    I appreciate it!|
    {I love|I really like|I like|Everyone loves} it {when people|when individuals|when folks|whenever people} {come together|get together} and share {opinions|thoughts|views|ideas}.
    Great {blog|website|site}, {keep it up|continue the good work|stick with it}!|
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    {By the way|However}, how {can|could} we communicate?|
    {Howdy|Hi there|Hey there|Hello|Hey} just wanted to give you
    a quick heads up. The {text|words} in your {content|post|article} seem to be running off the screen in {Ie|Internet explorer|Chrome|Firefox|Safari|Opera}.
    I’m not sure if this is a {format|formatting} issue or something to do with {web browser|internet browser|browser} compatibility but I {thought|figured}
    I’d post to let you know. The {style and design|design and
    style|layout|design} look great though! Hope you get the {problem|issue} {solved|resolved|fixed} soon. {Kudos|Cheers|Many thanks|Thanks}|
    This is a topic {that is|that’s|which is} {close to|near to} my heart…
    {Cheers|Many thanks|Best wishes|Take care|Thank you}!
    {Where|Exactly where} are your contact details though?|
    It’s very {easy|simple|trouble-free|straightforward|effortless} to find out any {topic|matter} on {net|web} as
    compared to {books|textbooks}, as I found this {article|post|piece of
    writing|paragraph} at this {website|web site|site|web page}.|
    Does your {site|website|blog} have a contact page? I’m having {a tough time|problems|trouble} locating it but, I’d like to {send|shoot} you an {e-mail|email}.
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    blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way,
    great {site|website|blog} and I look forward to
    seeing it {develop|improve|expand|grow} over time.|
    {Hola|Hey there|Hi|Hello|Greetings}! I’ve been {following|reading}
    your {site|web site|website|weblog|blog} for
    {a long time|a while|some time} now and finally got the {bravery|courage} to
    go ahead and give you a shout out from {New Caney|Kingwood|Huffman|Porter|Houston|Dallas|Austin|Lubbock|Humble|Atascocita} {Tx|Texas}!
    Just wanted to {tell you|mention|say} keep
    up the {fantastic|excellent|great|good} {job|work}!|
    Greetings from {Idaho|Carolina|Ohio|Colorado|Florida|Los angeles|California}!
    I’m {bored to tears|bored to death|bored} at work so I decided to
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    take a look when I get home. I’m {shocked|amazed|surprised} at
    how {quick|fast} your blog loaded on my {mobile|cell phone|phone} ..
    I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. {Anyhow|Anyways}, {awesome|amazing|very good|superb|good|wonderful|fantastic|excellent|great} {site|blog}!|
    Its {like you|such as you} {read|learn} my {mind|thoughts}!

    You {seem|appear} {to understand|to know|to grasp} {so
    much|a lot} {approximately|about} this, {like you|such as you} wrote
    the {book|e-book|guide|ebook|e book} in it or something. {I think|I feel|I believe} {that you|that you simply|that
    you just} {could|can} do with {some|a few} {%|p.c.|percent} to {force|pressure|drive|power} the message {house|home} {a bit|a
    little bit}, {however|but} {other than|instead of} that,
    {this is|that is} {great|wonderful|fantastic|magnificent|excellent} blog.

    {A great|An excellent|A fantastic} read. {I’ll|I will} {definitely|certainly}
    be back.|
    I visited {multiple|many|several|various} {websites|sites|web sites|web pages|blogs} {but|except|however} the
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    {Howdy|Hi there|Hi|Hello}, i read your blog {occasionally|from time to
    time} and i own a similar one and i was just {wondering|curious} if you get a lot of spam {comments|responses|feedback|remarks}?
    If so how do you {prevent|reduce|stop|protect against} it, any plugin or anything you can {advise|suggest|recommend}?

    I get so much lately it’s driving me {mad|insane|crazy} so any {assistance|help|support} is very much appreciated.|
    Greetings! {Very helpful|Very useful} advice {within this|in this particular} {article|post}!
    {It is the|It’s the} little changes {that make|which will make|that produce|that will make}
    {the biggest|the largest|the greatest|the
    most important|the most significant} changes. {Thanks
    a lot|Thanks|Many thanks} for sharing!|
    {I really|I truly|I seriously|I absolutely} love {your blog|your site|your website}..
    {Very nice|Excellent|Pleasant|Great} colors & theme.
    Did you {create|develop|make|build} {this website|this site|this web site|this amazing site} yourself?
    Please reply back as I’m {looking to|trying to|planning to|wanting to|hoping to|attempting to} create
    {my own|my very own|my own personal} {blog|website|site} and {would like to|want to|would love to} {know|learn|find out} where you
    got this from or {what the|exactly what the|just what the} theme {is called|is named}.

    {Thanks|Many thanks|Thank you|Cheers|Appreciate it|Kudos}!|
    {Hi there|Hello there|Howdy}! This {post|article|blog post} {couldn’t|could
    not} be written {any better|much better}! {Reading through|Looking at|Going
    through|Looking through} this {post|article} reminds me of my previous roommate!

    He {always|constantly|continually} kept {talking
    about|preaching about} this. {I will|I’ll|I am
    going to|I most certainly will} {forward|send} {this article|this
    information|this post} to him. {Pretty sure|Fairly certain} {he will|he’ll|he’s going to} {have a good|have
    a very good|have a great} read. {Thank you for|Thanks for|Many thanks for|I appreciate you for} sharing!|
    {Wow|Whoa|Incredible|Amazing}! This blog looks {exactly|just} like my old one!
    It’s on a {completely|entirely|totally} different
    {topic|subject} but it has pretty much the same {layout|page layout} and design. {Excellent|Wonderful|Great|Outstanding|Superb}
    choice of colors!|
    {There is|There’s} {definately|certainly} {a lot to|a great deal to} {know about|learn about|find out about} this {subject|topic|issue}.
    {I like|I love|I really like} {all the|all of the} points {you made|you’ve made|you have made}.|
    {You made|You’ve made|You have made} some {decent|good|really good} points there.
    I {looked|checked} {on the internet|on the
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    Your {story-telling|writing|humoristic} style is {awesome|witty}, keep {doing what
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    away} your {site|web site|website} {prior to|before} suggesting that I {really|extremely|actually} {enjoyed|loved} {the standard|the
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    Is {going to|gonna} be {back|again} {frequently|regularly|incessantly|steadily|ceaselessly|often|continuously} {in order to|to} {check up on|check out|inspect|investigate cross-check} new posts|
    {I wanted|I needed|I want to|I need to} to thank you for this {great|excellent|fantastic|wonderful|good|very good}
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    {Hi|Hello|Hi there|What’s up}, just wanted
    to {mention|say|tell you}, I {enjoyed|liked|loved}
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    {Hello|Hi|Hello there|Hi there|Howdy|Good day}!
    I could have sworn I’ve {been to|visited} {this blog|this web site|this website|this site|your blog} before but after {browsing
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    {Thank you|Thanks} =)|
    Heya {i’m|i am} for the first time here. I {came across|found} this board and I find It {truly|really} useful
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    {Hi|Hello|Hi there|Hello there|Howdy|Greetings}, {I think|I believe|I do believe|I do think|There’s no doubt that} {your site|your website|your web site|your blog} {might be|may be|could be|could possibly
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    Heya {i’m|i am} for {the primary|the first} time here.
    I {came across|found} this board and I {in finding|find|to find}
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    {Hello|Hi|Hello there|Hi there|Howdy|Good day|Hey there}!
    {I just|I simply} {would like to|want to|wish to}
    {give you a|offer you a} {huge|big} thumbs up {for the|for your} {great|excellent} {info|information}
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    Your {way|method|means|mode} of {describing|explaining|telling} {everything|all|the whole thing} in this
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    {Hi|Hello} there, {I found|I discovered} your {blog|website|web site|site} {by means of|via|by the use of|by way of} Google {at the same time as|whilst|even as|while} {searching for|looking for} a {similar|comparable|related} {topic|matter|subject},
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    {A lot of|Lots of|Many|Numerous} {other folks|folks|other people|people} {will be|shall be|might be|will probably be|can be|will
    likely be} benefited {from your|out of your} writing.
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    {I am|I’m} {extremely|really} {inspired|impressed} {with your|together with your|along with your} writing
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    {Is this|Is that this} a paid {subject|topic|subject matter|theme} or did you {customize|modify} it {yourself|your self}?
    {Either way|Anyway} {stay|keep} up the {nice|excellent} {quality|high quality} writing, {it’s|it is} {rare|uncommon} {to peer|to see|to look}
    a {nice|great} {blog|weblog} like this one {these days|nowadays|today}..|
    {Hi|Hello}, Neat post. {There is|There’s} {a problem|an issue} {with your|together with
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