
26 พฤศจิกายน 2008

น้ำตาที่ โรงเรียนพ่อแม่ นครสวรรค์;วันสุดท้าย..

Filed under: บ่มเพาะความทรงจำ — Iem @ 9:29 (เช้า)
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  478. Online casino & Gambling Industry Numbers Revealed

    Gambling in Canada is an industry with a turnover exceeding CA$14.5
    billion a year according to the official statistics. The country houses 70+
    casino houses, 100k+ slot machines and about 25k+ temporary casino and bingo-type establishments.
    Read more

    In Ontario, there is one slot machine per 350 citizens, while the growth
    rate equals 15% per year approximately. On average, each Canadian over 19 years (not counting tourists) spends from CA$600
    to CA$900 on gambling annually. Gambling, roughly
    speaking, regulated by the state like a franchise where license is acquired through the Commission on alcohol and gambling; provincial governments determine the type of games
    allowed in their territory. For example, Ontario and
    British Columbia allow casinos, horse racing and slot machines,
    while video lottery terminals and similar gaming machines are prohibited.

    The cost of building and equipping a permanent casino is estimated at 40-50 million Canadian dollars approximately.
    Establishing a temporary casino (including ships and hotel rooms) is cheaper (40 – 60%).
    The price of a legal Canadian casino operating in full accordance with the provincial regulation starts from
    CA$80 million.
    Online Casinos Of Canada: The Regulation Point Of Reference

    Conducting gambling business in Canada is illegal until it is
    not legally regulated in accordance with the statements
    indicated in the country’s Criminal Code as well as sanctioned by the authorities of all the Canadian provinces.
    The legislating responsibilities have been delegated to provinces,
    considered to be the main stakeholders when it comes to casino
    or poker room legalization. The full powers have been granted to local powers in 1985, and since then the sphere of
    influence remains untouched (therefore, only the
    provinces are eligible to authorize a gambling establishment).

    The Criminal Code contains two sections that represent core
    appropriations that regulate the country’s gambling industry.
    Despite the fact that all the provinces take part in the national lottery program,
    the provincial or regional authorities are entitled to permit or prohibit the activity.
    Therefore, the senior officials of Alberta may ban the particular game
    of chance on the territory of the province, while the same activity can function in Ontario at the same time.

    Online Slots Regulation In Alberta

    The responsibility for supervising and regulating gambling businesses in Alberta lies
    on the local gaming and liquor commission (also known as AGLC).
    In its turn, the organization is comprised of two departments: the Corporation and the Board.
    The Corporation represents the functional mechanism of the system, while the Board carries the governmental policy into effect
    through the triggers under its control. The organization elaborates
    the strategic directions and policies as well as delivers the implementation in conjunction with the largest financial
    institutions of Canada. AGLC is empowered to ensure the compliance of local gambling businesses with the fundamental principles indicated in Criminal Code as well as the documents adopted by the organization itself.

    In fact, the organization holds the power to license, regulate and monitor
    games of chance activities located in Alberta.
    The province occupies the second position in the list of the major Canadian gambling provinces, ceding the leadership
    role to Ontario. The organization is characterized by a relatively loyal (by the standards
    of Canada) attitude towards gambling activities and/or enterprises, looking forward to conduct their business in Alberta.
    Therefore, AGLC adopted a far-famed charitable license
    model that helps dozens of organizations to raise funds for a particular project.

    Online Casino Canada: Responsible Gambling

    The year of 2004 heralded the era of new attitude towards gambling organization and virtually all the
    stakeholders involved in gambling activities. A large cohort of non-profit establishments, gambling providers and regulators united their efforts towards transparent and responsible
    gambling in Canada within the framework of CPRG, or the Canadian Partnership for Responsible Gambling.

    Initially, the organization aimed at gathering comprehensive info on a broad variety of gambling
    aspects across Canada, and the result of the effort was the release of the gambling digest, now published annually.
    The digest includes statistical data on the state of affairs
    in each Canadian province: from overall revenues and
    quantitative characteristics on gambling businesses to revenue
    distribution and highly specialized data.

    The digest itself represents a nicely crafted document with dozens
    of tables, charts and trends that characterize the development of the industry.

    The Gambling Digest is released publically, and available for download on the official CPRG website.

    Casino Online And Brick & Mortar Establishments in Kahnawake

    Kahnawake is a Mohawk Indian Reservation in Canada.
    Due to the special status granted to Indian lands,
    many of them legally allowed to host gambling, which
    provided a good supplement to the local budget.
    Kahnawake Gaming Commission, responsible for the regulation in this area, was established in 1996, and within as little as 3 years it began to issue licenses for this type of business on the
    Internet. Being the pioneer of gaming industry niche, the jurisdiction has become one of the most
    well-known among phenomena of the kind.

    The Canadian KGC consists of three organizations assigned by Mohawk Council of Kahnawake.
    They are mandated to deal with all the regulation issues
    of online gambling, including licensing. A system of rules and standards that guides the commission is based
    on the experience of Australian colleagues. The basic principles
    of KGC are aimed at reduced to fair business conduction,
    transparency, data security and timely payouts.

    The Commission has developed the requirements, ensuring high reliability
    and excluding the possibility of fraud in online gambling business.
    When considering an application the agency examines the following aspects:

    the formal grounds for issuing the license
    the reliability and integrity of software
    the capital adequacy for timely payouts

    How Online Roulettes Appeared In Ontario

    With an eye on the successful experience of Quebec, Ontario government raised the question of further legalization of online gambling
    in the province. Taking drastic measures was dictated by Toronto budget deficit of CA$24.7 billion.

    Dalton McGuinty, the former Prime Minister of
    the province, proposed to fill the gap by raising taxes on the sale of alcohol.
    However, armed with a calculator and enlisted with the support of like-minded people, the
    Prime Minister gave the green light to local online gambling resources.

    The neighboring Quebec earned about CA$50 million annually from online gambling enterprises, Ontario, the largest Canadian province,
    could count on even larger revenue.

    ‘Legalization of gambling sites will benefit the entire
    province. Ontario residents annually spend up to CA$1.9 billion on gambling online, though the funds go to other regions and offshore sites’, Paul Godfrey, head of the Committee on gambling
    in Ontario, commented on the situation.

    Jeff Derevensky, the head of the International Centre that strives to limit gambling activities in Canada, indicated the young
    population was not ready for such global changes.
    However, the head of the center saw no particular obstacles
    to legalization: he offered to introduce a special course in local schools to protect the younger generation from the
    dangers of Internet gambling.

    Best Online Casino Platforms Bring Up The

    The anthem of Canada sounded in Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas
    again and again as the six weeks poker season ended with a triumph of Canadian players,
    who managed to win 10 bracelets. In addition, Daniel Negreanu, a resident
    of Toronto, was so good in Australian and US competitions that earned the WSOP 2013 ‘Player of the year’ title.

    When in late June Kristen Bicknell from Ontario won the women’s tournament, it a
    new achievement has been recorded: the bracelets have been awarded to ten players from Canada,
    which is a huge progress after three bracelets received in 2012.
    The previous record of the country was six bracelets won in 2010.

    As usual, the majority of players represented at the WSOP were the U.S residents: 57,040 out of a total number of 79,471.

    Thus, 71.8 % of American players was more then enough to secure the leadership, as Canadian representation equaled as little as 5.2% (4,118 poker players).

    No surprise that the U.S. won a better part of WSOP bracelet
    in 2013 (41), almost two-thirds of the total number of awards and is slightly
    less than its percentage of participation. At the same time, ten Canadian bracelets represent 16.1% of awards, which is
    three times higher than the percentage of participation of the country.

    Daniel Negreanu Bonus Casino Rockstar According To GPI Rank

    In his address on Twitter, the Canadian resident, Daniel Negreanu, ranked the best poker player of the decade, wished his fans all
    the best and gave a little advice: ‘I hope that you will fulfill your dreams.
    Dream – declare – execute. The formula really works!’

    In the life of 39 -year-old Canadian pro this formula really works as
    clockwork, especially recollecting about his goals for 2013.
    Negreanu planned to enter the tournaments and win at least CA$1.5 million, grab his fifth WSOP bracelet in career and a find
    himself in the Top 10 race Player of the year Bluff.

    It’s unbelievable, but Negreanu not only achieved his goals, but also exceed them dramatically (and yes, he managed to
    be ranked the player of the year by Bluff Magazine).

    The famous player won his bracelet in April, when he triumphed
    at the WSOP Asia-Pacific (APAC) Main Event and earned CA$ 1,087,160.
    In October, he was able also to duplicate the result, winning the competition of a high roller at the WSOP Europe,
    and get over CA$979,955. Along with other payments, during the
    year Negreanu one of the best players of Canadaso far collected winnings of
    CA$3,208,630 and the amount of his winnings throughout the career
    increased to CA$19,549,209.
    Mobile Casino

    Enhanced capabilities of information technology and personal
    gadgets fueled a breakthrough in the development of e-commerce sector.
    The brand-new opportunities contributed to drastic changes in all spheres of business, and gambling is no exception. Naturally the expansion of changes into
    the online segment adjusted the balance
    of power in the global gaming sector and deepened the conflict between ‘conservatives’ and ‘reformers’.

    According to Firebear Studio, a prominent IT company, global e-commerce market in 2014
    was estimated at a trillion dollars, while its growth rate equaled 19.4% according to the research.

    Another investigation carried out by Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

    indicates that due to the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets
    the concept of mobile commerce (m-commerce) acquires its relevance.
    According Firebear Studio, last year the number
    of transactions from mobile devices grew up to 18% of all purchases on the web.
    The percentage of operating on mobile devices has increased from 38% in 2012 to 53% in 2014.

    This direction couldn’t have left online gambling untouched,
    which is evidenced by comprehensive researches of the authoritative H2
    Gambling Capital and iGaming Business. Online market is not consolidated and it is
    being developed still. Until now, there is even no single terminological apparatus: the same phenomenon called different companies in different ways.
    The concept of ‘online gambling’ causes misunderstandings.

    H2 Gambling Capital and iGaming Business, for example, referred to as
    the entire online gaming market segment, First
    Gaming distinguishes it from mobile segment. Others, such as The European Lotteries Association and Scientific Games, do not refer online lotteries
    to this notion. Nevertheless, the industry is rocketing.

    H2 Gambling Capital and iGaming Business projected the total revenue from online gambling winnings (including betting) in 2014 amounted to C$30,6 Bln. According to the
    study, the total income of the global online gaming industry will grow from C$6,6 billion 2003 to C$ 32,
    5 billion in 2015-m and C$42,8 billion 2018. By that time, in terms of profitability Europe will continue to lead, although the gap with other continents will be reduced, especially with Asia.

    A doubling of revenues from online gambling in the United States is expected.

    Betting will retain its leading position on the Internet,
    but will gradually show a slowdown. In this case,
    the yield is expected to increase the online casino, which
    by 2018 will also double their performance. Such growth will be observed in all sectors, except for online bingo. http://www.nbso.ca/roulette/

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  678. Bristol Palin may not be getting married in the forseeable future afterall. The documents appeared on Friday that uncover that Dakota Meyer, 24,a Medal of Honor individual Boat was married in 2008 to your Mi lady. Photo by Araya Diaz/Getty Images Sgt. Dakota Meyer was granted the very best military respect for his heroism in Afghanistan in ‘09 committed Cassandra Wain, 21, of Mi in Campsbellville, Ky. at the era of 19, in line with the relationship permit purchased from the celebrity media site.The marriage reports do not rest, nonetheless dispute surrounding the marriage has developed between Meyer as well as a buddy of his exwife over his goals to overlook their union publicly. Different information regarding the wedding is made, noted RadarOnline, which was the first to ever share the record. Bristol’s rep responded to DailyMail.com uncovering that it was the initial he’d been aware of the connection and had not discussed the problem with Bristol Palin. Last March Bristol released her proposal via Instagram captioning her photo “Really the luckiest woman on earth, cannot wait to marry this guy.” Right now the couple are expected to change wedding vows on May 23rd 2015. Bristol Palin is best known as a reality tv character. She’s the oldest daughter and second of five children of Todd and Sarah Palin, the ninth Governor of Alaska.
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  681. Nonetheless, a literature review has a unique composition that is ultimately different from a research-paper. If your work is to compose a literature assessment, you are not anticipated to develop fresh concepts or unique study on your own. 2 Phase 4 Key Ideas Directions In case you translate your theme too broadly, you’ll have too many solutions to examine. Slender down your assignment up to possible while nonetheless enjoyable the topic to make your evaluation easier to manage. Discover the relevant literature. If your job will be to evaluate specific works, then this step has already been attained for you. However, several literature evaluations are oriented by topic, rather than by specific works, by which case you’ll have to research suitable parts all on your own on the basis of the topic. Briefly review the literature you discover or are designated. Synthesize your summaries. Though your task in a literature critique isn’t to build up new arguments, it is to offer a brand new look at product in a far more in-depth approach than using a simple abstract. Give places and place of pertinent literature. A literature critique generally plays a task in future research reports compiled by other teachers. By providing links to your sources and any beneficial additional information, you’re laying the research for prosperous future educational breakthroughs.
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    ความคิดเห็น โดย Noe — 1 มิถุนายน 2017 @ 12:25 (เย็น)

  684. ?How To jot down A Terrific Essay About Anything
    There exists an assumption around the world that an essay is something literary you publish for school about a topic that no a person but your teacher will ever care about. At 1st glance, the dictionary does nothing to allay that feeling. The very to start with definition is of “a short literary composition on the particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative.”
    The reality, if any of you have browse through a blog lately, is always that essays are often noticeably a lot more than that. They is usually anything really. And listed here, the dictionary comes to our aid. The second definition of an essay is “anything resembling these types of a composition.” So really, essays are written compositions about anything.
    Unfortunately, they may be annoying, tedious and obnoxious. Whether it is a very high school essay, a college research paper or even an important office memo at your new job, at any given moment chances are you’d probably rather not be doing it. Together with the fact which you Should do it just adds to the misery.
    The stress of it all has twenty different things going on inside of your head at once: Where to begin? What do I publish about? How do I keep the momentum? What about pacing? I ought a very good grade, or a promotion, Using a RAISE, a lot is riding on this!
    Calm yourself. Composing the perfect paper, the kickass memo, the stellar essay — about ANYTHING — will not be only attainable, it is really easy.
    What Is My Secret?
    An essay is usually a lot like a military procedure. It takes discipline, foresight, research, strategy, and, if done right, ends in total victory. That’s why I stole my formula from an ancient military tactic, invented by the Spartans (the guys during the movie 300 ). This tactic was a favorite of marvelous generals like Brasidas and Xenophon (an actual student of Socrates) and was deployed successfully in combat countless times. I figure: if this an individual trick can protect a ten thousand-man march through hostile territory, country after country, it can probably give good results for something as silly and temporary as a paper or an essay.
    We’re going to make use of this tactic as a metaphor — also a marvelous term to utilise in our essays — to the structural parts of our essay. It will let us to forget your teacher’s boring prompt. Forget “Commentary/Concrete Detail/Commentary/Concrete Detail” and all that nonsense.
    Here’s Xenophon talking about this tactic in his Anabasis:
    It would be safer for us to march with the hoplites forming a hollow square, so that the baggage along with the general crowd would be much more secure inside. If, then, we are told now who should be with the front of your square and who organize the leading detachments, and who should be around the two flanks, and who should be responsible to the rear.
    Basically, their tactic was this: to successfully march or retreat, the general brings his troops together in an outward facing square with their supplies and wounded while in the middle along with the strongest troops in the front and again. As they moved absent from unfavorable ground, the men would defend their side, stepping out only slightly to meet their attackers and then retreating immediately back again to the safety of your shape. And thus they have been completely impenetrable, able to travel fluidly too as slowly demoralize the attacking army. As Xenophon wrote, the idea was that having prepared a hollow square in advance, “we should not will need to plan [everything defense related] if the enemy is approaching but could immediately make use of those who have been specially detailed with the job.”
    My method functions the same. Consider your introduction since the creator within the shape, and then the following paragraphs making up each and every side. They venture outwards when called to, but never abandon the safety from the formation entirely. It is mostly a method of constant realignment, maintaining the square in any respect price. In terms of “crafting,” you must have only to make a handful of original sentences for that entire essay: a thesis, a theme, a mini-thesis that begins each and every paragraph including a concluding sentence that says what it all signifies. Everything else is often a variation of these four sentences in some way. Together they form the square, and this serves as being the point of return — substantially like Chuck Palahniuk’s concept of “chorus lines” (see Fight Club, where, whenever the plot gets off track, he immediately comes again to something like, “I am Jack’s perception of rejection”). The idea is to keep the reader protected, just the troops flowing in and out within the square kept the hollow middle, and thus the whole square, safe.
    Obtaining Started
    Let’s say you’re a superior school student taking English or a college student stuck in the writing-intensive core class. You’re going to need to compose a paper. It is just a fact of life. So instead of fighting it, let’s just help it become as quick as feasible.
    The outline I’m about to give you is easy to understand. Essentially, the format requires just six original sentences additionally, the rest is nothing over reiteration and help within the ideas in those original sentences. Just like the tactics of Brasidas, you forge the rudimentary shape with the introduction and then all that’s left is defense — all of us (every word) knows their job.
    No longer is the professor grading you in terms of your prompt, due to the fact that you have redefined the dynamic on your terms. You have taken the prompt and made it your very own. By emphatically laying out your individual rules and track, excellence is achieved simply by following them. You put the reader while in the middle on the square, protected by all sides, and methodically move them forward, defending doubts and objections as they arise.
    I’ll go into special examples soon, but here’s a hypothetical outline for a five-page paper:
    1. Begin by having a broad, conclusive hook. This will be the meta-theme from the paper. Example from the paper relating to the Excellent Gatsby . “When citizens exhibit a flagrant disregard of morality and law, societies immediately crumble.”
    two. Thesis. This needs to specify and codify the hook in relation to the prompt/subject. Ex: “This atmosphere as revealed in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The nice Gatsby — with blatant corruption and illegal activity — sooner or later appears to be to become all but incompatible along with a meaningful incarnation with the American Dream.”
    3. An individual sentence laying foundation for for starters body paragraph. (These are mini-theses for just about every point you will argue.) Ex: Though Gatsby was a bootlegger, he was driven by hope and love, rather than the greed that motivated his status-obsessed guests.
    four. A single Sentence for second body paragraph. (Just like the sentence you just did)
    5. 1 sentence for third body paragraph.
    6. Restate the hook and thesis into only one transition sentence into the for starters paragraph. “The 1920s because the epitome of excess and reactionism symbolized a sharp break inside the American tradition; a single that no a particular seemed to mind.”
    Notes/Advice: Some say the thesis should go with the bottom in the intro instead in the top, which I think is truly a huge mistake. The point of the paper is to make an assertion and then aid it. You can’t aid it until you’ve made it.
    Body #1
    1. Rewrite primary body paragraph thesis.
    two. Aid the mini-thesis with evidence and analysis.
    3. Restate body paragraph thesis on the context of thesis as a whole.
    -Begin with your strongest piece of evidence
    -Introduce quotes/points like this: Broad->Specific->Analysis/Conclusion
    -Always integrate the quote, and try to incorporate analysis into the same sentence. As a general rule never use even more than 5-7 for the author’s words. Normally it is easy to use even less: “It was Jay, who despite the corruption approximately him, looked forward to what was described as an ‘orgiastic long run.’”
    Body #2
    1. Rewrite second body paragraph thesis.
    two. Aid mini-thesis.
    3. Restate body paragraph thesis in context for the paragraph previously mentioned and thesis as whole.
    Body #3
    1. Rewrite third body paragraph thesis.
    two. Help mini-thesis.
    3. Restate body paragraph thesis in context with the paragraph earlier mentioned and thesis as whole.
    1. Restate hook/meta-theme.
    two. Specify this with restatement of thesis once extra.
    3. One particular sentence for just about every body paragraph, surmising its assertion.
    four. An individual sentence for every single body paragraph, surmising its assertion.
    5. A person sentence for just about every body paragraph, surmising its assertion.
    6. Rewrite hook and thesis into a summary sentence.
    7. Last sentence must transition to your general statement about human nature. “The American Dream — and any higher aspiration — requires a society that the two looks forward and onwards in the process as holds itself to corrective standards.”
    That’s it. Seriously. It really works for a paper of 300 words just as a lot as it does for one particular of 300 web pages. It’s self-generating, self-reinforcing, and self-fulfilling. Could you ask for anything superior?
    Just like the tactics within the good generals, by laying out the square in advance with clear, orderly lines, you insulate yourself from the chaos of improvisation. You mark the boundaries now so you don’t really need to later, and excellence is achieved simply by filling them in with your sentences. Each and every paragraph is given a singular purpose and its only duty is fulfillment. Like I claimed earlier, with this structure you area the reader inside of the middle within the square, protected by all sides, and methodically move them forward, defending doubts and objections as they arise. Which is truly a quality essay.
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    ความคิดเห็น โดย LarrySer — 1 มิถุนายน 2017 @ 3:50 (เย็น)

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