note of new Installation on my box

โดย udomsak เมื่อ 27 September 2011 เวลา 12:55 pm ในหมวดหมู่ คอม #
อ่าน: 1587

After i’m crash with Ubuntu 11.04 bianry corrupt , til i try to fixing it but everything goes down ( while do-release-upgrade step fail ).  the fast way ( now i’m not sure ) try to install new Linux distro so i get Fedora 15 ( )  while  Release 16 announce :)

before install Fedora 15 i’m intend to install Solaris base project for testing  Solaris OS virtualization named ‘ Zone’  that many of people said it’s best performance  also ‘Crossbow’  Network Virtualization and ZFS  enterprise storage file system

i’m trying 2 base solaris project

but look like  Opensolaris and Nexenta need primary parttion to install  and they does not understood  Logical partition may this is nature of  ZFS file sytem ( not in list of  installation wizard ). i think i’m need to backup my  data before install it  proven to data lose.   will  wrote later about it.

So , write this blog in  update package with a lot of them and problem with language switching  Fedora core 15 come with Gnome 3

lanaugage input method  use IBus for input method that i’m not familar with.  thus typo this in English :P

Problem were found and link

Error Database Malform“    ::  correct by  ‘ yum clean’

Common Fedora 15 bug“   ::  Fedora 15 bug

switching input language“  :: If  you want Thai typo

GUI - Package manager “  ::   Software Remove / Intall  in GUI if  you don’t like ‘Command-line’

Can’t update when behind proxy“  ::  I you sit behind proxy  you need to setting up even if  you can’t do anything with  ‘yum’

meaning of EPEL “  when you access mirror-list page of fedora project will see page contain ‘EPEL’ words :)

Figure-1 : My new Desktop

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